The subject of student loans has been popping up in the news lately, and it started me thinking: what is the true value of a college education? The importance of a college education is stressed from preschool to high school graduation.
A moment to reflect. Back in the day, the universities in the United States were not meant to be pillars of scientific exploration or enlightenment. They were meant to train Christian ministers for the field. Until, that is, they were taken over by the liberals of that time. And look at them now. They reverted to humanistic teachings and secular curriculum.
What does that have to do with today? Walk onto a college campus presently and see what whisper of God or patriotism you can find. You might be hard pressed. I'm going through college myself and I have been shocked at the extreme views I have been presented with. It becomes increasingly difficult to read or study any material that doesn't fawn over the theories of Karl Marx, tout the inequality of society in America and subtly blame capitalism for our problems. I can understand now why there are college students protesting on Wall Street. They've learned it in school - in textbooks and from teachers who don't care for the system of American government.
It makes you think twice about investing thousands in a college education.